Local Court
The Local Court covers both criminal and civil jurisdictions and deals with the majority of civil matters and summary criminal prosecutions in NSW. Today, the largest percentage of all criminal and civil cases are finalised in the Local Court. It is also in the Local Court that committal proceedings are conducted to determine whether or not indictable offences are to be committed to the District and Supreme Courts for Trial or Sentence.

District Court
District Courts are effectively the “middle” court in the State’s legal system. The District Court is a trial court and hears certain appeals. The District Court also has both civil and criminal jurisdiction.
Supreme Court
All Australian States and Territories have a Supreme Court, which is the highest court within each State or Territory. The Supreme Court has unlimited civil jurisdiction and handles the most serious criminal matters.
Court of Criminal Appeal and High Court Appeal
In NSW, if you are convicted of an offence in the District or Supreme Courts, you may make an application to the Court of Criminal Appeal, and thereafter the High Court of Australia, if you believe there has been an error of law with respect to the principal proceedings.
You should obtain legal advice prior to making such an application.